It was a beautiful sunny day with slight winds and temps around 72. Can't beat it.
I guess I should describe what it's like being here. At night, the coyotes drift past the trailer while they chatter and howl. There's no ambient light except for thousands of stars which glow brightly. We're on AZ time (no daylight savings time), which means it's dark at 5 (and I mean DARK) and light at 7 am or so. We are not "roughing" it as the trailer has solar, six batteries, generator and I can get my news fix through the 2 TV stations we can get through the antenna. The only challenge is the grocery stores which frankly are lacking in anything resembling fresh veggies. They are the size of mini-marts and right now are downright crowded with snowbirds seeking supplies. The water tastes terrible so bottled water is a necessity.
We went on a long quad ride up in the hills behind the long term camping area. There is an amazing variety of rocks here in the Arizona desert. There are veins of quartz, some sort of black sparkling rock, blue rocks, green rocks... you get the idea. We're bringing home quite a few of them. There are many mines and some are down right dangerous holes without any barriers. The trails are fairly easy and not quite as rocky as the ride was in Parker. There are a few challenging rides, but Steve's saving those for tomorrow's ride. We'll climb "hogsback ridge" and if we can figure out the GPS, find "dripping springs." Of course, this is provided my quad behaves. It's developed quite the attitude lately and likes to shut down for no apparent reason. Of course, Steve claims its all me...
Due to the recent rain down here (much more than usual) we'll be able to witness a "desert bloom." Many of the cactus are gearing up to bloom and some are already showing color. In the next couple of days, we should be able to get some great photos.
We met two couples out on quads and spent some time riding with them. They began to refer to us as "the kids." It's true. We are definitely among the youngest RVers roaming around the desert this time of year. We have another week out here before heading to Yuma to use our camping membership.
We bought "booties" for Jada as the rocks were really hard on her feet and she insists on running full speed. It worked for awhile, but she lost two of them somewhere in the desert.
We've been talking to Cara daily and miss her a lot. She's taking care of the house and the business and has a busy semester at school. Thank God for cell phones (and generators).
Oh, and before I forget... Who knew? We had the best fish and chips ever at a hole-in-the-wall local bar called the "Grubstake." It was really good and all you could eat.. but the first plate was more than enough.
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